Service Manager


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Viewing Reports

About Viewing Reports

Viewing Reports from the Reports Workspace

Viewing Reports from a Dashboard

Viewing Reports from the Quick Actions Menu

Displaying Times and Dates in Reports for Different Cultures

Displaying Report Data as Local Time

About Viewing Reports

You can only view reports published to your role. Each role has different reports available. To make a report available to a certain role, the administrator must do the following first:

Make the Report workspace available to that role.

Publish the report to that role.

Viewing Reports from the Reports Workspace

You can only see reports available to your user role.

Follow these steps to view reports from the Reports workspace:

1.Log in to the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the Reports workspace. The system displays a list of reports that have been published to your role.

3.Click the report name to generate a report. The system opens a new window with the report.

Be sure to enable popups in your browser when running reports.  See the online help for your specific browser for more information.

4.Set the parameters in the header area of the report.

5.Click View Report.

Viewing Reports from a Dashboard

To view a report from a dashboard, you must first add the report to the dashboard. Follow these steps to add a list of reports to the dashboard:

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Click the down arrow to the right of your role name Dashboard. For example, if you are logged in as a Change Manager, click the down arrow to the right of Change Dashboard.

3.At the bottom right, click All Dashboards. The system displays a list of dashboards.

4. Click the edit icon next to the dashboard to add the report list part to. The system displays the Dashboard Center.

5.Under Dashboard Objects, expand the Special parts tab from the accordion menu.

6.Drag and drop a report list from the accordion menu to the dashboard area. The system adds the report list to the dashboard.

7.Click Save.

8.Click the home icon to return to the home page. The system displays the Report List in your dashboard, listing the reports available to your role.

Viewing Reports from the Quick Actions Menu

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open a workspace.

3. Select one or more records to view.

4.From the Action Menu, choose Print > Print business object name. The system displays the report in a separate window.

Displaying Times and Dates in Reports for Different Cultures

To add support for browsers in different locations covering multiple countries, use the Microsoft SSRS report builder to add query parameters to detect the current browser culture.

For example, you can edit a parameter to account for Great Britain, which displays date ranges differently than the U.S.

1.Open the Microsoft SSRS report builder.

2.Make the parameter that governs the browser culture visible by doing the following:

a. From the Report Data pane, click the CurrentBrowserCulture parameter. The system displays the Report Parameter Properties dialog box.
b. For the Select parameter visibility field, select Visible. When running the report, this parameter detects the browser culture.
c. Click OK.

3.Add support for a local browser culture to your report query by doing the following:

a. In the Report Data pane, right click the Datasets folder and select Add Dataset. The system displays the Dataset Properties dialog box.
b. Select Use a dataset embedded in my report..
c. For the Data Source field, select SaaSAppmodel.
d. For the Query type field, select Text.
e. Click Query Designer....
f. In the Enter Data Source Credentials dialog box, enter your Microsoft SSRS user name and password, then click OK. The system displays the Query Designer dialog box.
g. Enter query text in the field provided. The following simple query is an example:





4.Add fields to the report template. In each field using DateTime fields, use the Properties pane to change the language properties to add an expression using the current browser culture value: =Parameters!CurrentBrowserCulture.Value.

5.Complete the report template design, and click OK.

Displaying Report Data as Local Time

About Displaying Report Data as Local Time

Creating a Browser Offset Within a Report Template Field

Creating a Browser Offset within a Report Template Query

About Displaying Report Data as Local Time

By default, records are stored in UTC time. However, you can use the Microsoft SSRS report builder to change the report parameters to display the record time as local time. For example, you can display a report in Pacific Standard Time when run from a browser in that time zone.

This can be combined with the CurrentBrowserCulture parameter to change the format in which the time is displayed.

You can change the browser offset value in a report template field or in a report template query.

Creating a Browser Offset Within a Report Template Field

1.Open the Microsoft SSRS report builder.

2.Make the parameter that governs the displayed time zones visible by doing the following:

a. Select the BrowserTimeZoneOffset parameter from the Report Data pane. The system displays the Report Parameter Properties dialog box.
b. For the Select parameter visibility field, select Visible. When running the report, this parameter detects the browser time zone.
c. Click OK.

3.Add support for a browser offset to your report field by doing the following:

a. In the Report Data pane, right click the Datasets folder and select Add Dataset. The system displays the Dataset Properties dialog box.
b. Select Use a dataset embedded in my report..
c. For the Data Source field, select SaaSAppmodel.
d. For the Query type field, select Text.
e. Click Query Designer.
f. In the Enter Data Source Credentials dialog box, enter your Microsoft SSRS user name and password, then click OK. The system displays the Query Designer dialog box.
g. Enter query text in the field provided. The following simple query is an example:





4.Add fields to the report template. In each field using DateTime fields, use the Properties pane to add an expression specifying the browser offset to the language properties: =Code.AdjustBrowserOffsetToDatetime(Fields!createddatetime.Value,Parameters!BrowserTimezoneOffSet.Value).

5.Complete the report template design, and click OK.

Creating a Browser Offset within a Report Template Query

1.Open the Microsoft SSRS report builder.

2.Make the parameter that governs browser culture visible by doing the following:

a. From the Report Data pane, click the BrowserTimeZoneOffset parameter . The system displays the Report Parameter Properties dialog box.
b. For the Select parameter visibility field, select Visible. When running the report, this parameter detects the browser time zone.
c. Click OK.

3.Add support for a browser offset to your report query by doing the following:

a. In the Report Data pane, right click the Datasets folder and select Add Dataset. The system displays the Dataset Properties dialog box.
b. Select Use a dataset embedded in my report..
c. For the Data Source field, select SaaSAppmodel.
d. For the Query type field, select Text.
e. Click Query Designer....
f. In the Enter Data Source Credentials dialog box, enter your Microsoft SSRS user name and password, then click OK. The system displays the Query Designer dialog box.
g. Enter query text in the field provided. The following simple query is an example of using the browser offset within the query: select IncidentNumber,DATEADD(mi,@offset,createddatetime) as createddatetime from incident
h. From the Dataset Properties panel, edit the offset parameter using the following expression: =Parameters!BrowserTimezoneOffSet.Value.

4.Add fields to the report template. You do not need to edit the DateTime fields in this procedure.

5.Complete the report template design, and click OK.

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